Slag - EgyptStone



  • Metal slag is a by-product produced when cast iron is smelted in a transforming furnace to prepare steel. The phosphorous impurities with iron combine with the base lining of the aforementioned furnace float on the surface of the molten iron and then separate a dark-colored porous body. Slag is an alkaline fertilizer that benefits acidic or neutral soils and its usefulness is limited in other than these soils.
  • The composition of the slag varies and it is also called “Thomas phosphate” after one of the innovators of the furnace lining. In general. the fertilizer contains 10 to 25% of phosphorous pentoxide in the form of quaternary calcium phosphate which dissolves in water very hard and slowly along with the oxides of magnesium / silicon and iron.
  • Slag is a general word used to denote a large number of simple and complex compounds. They may be solutions of oxides emanating from different sources or sulfides emanating from furnace charge or fuel. In some cases slag consists of halides such as calcium fluoride which is sometimes added as melts. son-in-law's assistant). The slag is usually a separate phase from the molten metal because of its immiscibility and its low density (between 3 and 4) compared to 5.5 for sulfide mixtures and 7.8 g/cm3 for iron or steel (steel)
  • Slags play a very important role in the process of extracting metals by thermal methods. It performs many chemical and physical functions ranging from the reception of metallic impurities and non-reducing materials such as oxides in the first extraction to the storage of chemical reactions and the absorption of the impurities extracted in the processes of purification of metals. The slag also prevents molten metal and sulfide mixtures from oxidation and reduces heat loss. In electric magma furnaces. slag is used as a heating resistance (electrical resistance heating).
  • To take advantage of these functions the slag must have specific physical properties such as melting point and viscosity chemical properties such as basicity and oxidation potential and certain thermodynamic properties. The true values of these properties depend on the difference in the structure of the slag and its chemical composition.
  • Steelmaking slags Manufacture of slag furnishings for processing iron to obtain a type of steel and it is done in furnace such as open hearth furnaces base and electric furnaces. Steelmaking slags are composed primarily of calcium silicate and ferrites. And some slags are found on free oxides of calcium and magnesium which may hydrate with large increases in size.
  • Food industry in ovens materials and raw materials. Because it is a high-quality metal cold. Its scalability prevents the idea of governance and applications being constrained by rigid dimensions that cannot be crossed due to extensibility. . Other applications include soil conditioners or fertilizers and the cement industry. Address its use in a timely manner.